
Ab initio reconstruction of small angle scattering data for membrane proteins in copolymer nanodiscs (2021)

Kerrie A. Morrison, Aswin Doekhie, George M. Neville, Gareth J. Price, Paul Whitley, James Doutch, Karen J. Edler


Physiochemical Changes to TTCF Ensilication Investigated Using Time-Resolved SAXS (2021)

Aswin Doekhie, Rajeev Dattani, Yun-Chu Chen, Francoise Koumanov, Karen J. Edler, Jean M. H. van den Elsen and Asel Sartbaeva


Thermal resilience of ensilicated lysozyme via calorimetric and in vivo analysis (2020)

A. Doekhie,  M. N. Slade, L. Cliff, L. Weaver, R. Castaing, J. Paulin, Y.-C. Chen, K. J. Edler, F. Koumanov, K. J. Marchbank, J. M. H. van den Elsen  and  A. Sartbaeva


Ensilicated tetanus antigen retains immunogenicity: in vivo study and time-resolved SAXS characterization (2020)

A. Doekhie, R. Dattani, Y-C. Chen, Y. Yang, A. Smith, A. P. Silve, F. Koumanov, S.A. Wells, K.J. Edler, K.J. Marchbank, J.M.H. van den Elsen and A. Sartbaeva


Ensilication Improves the Thermal Stability of the Tuberculosis Antigen Ag85b and an Sbi-Ag85b Vaccine Conjugate. (2019)

Wahid AA, Doekhie A, Sartbaeva A, van den Elsen JMH

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-47657-9

Thermal stability, storage and release of proteins with tailored fit in silica. (2017)

Chen YC, Smith T, Hicks RH, Doekhie A, Koumanov F, Wells SA, Edler KJ, van den Elsen J, Holman GD, Marchbank KJ, Sartbaeva A.

DOI: 10.1038/srep46568

Inflammation, Obesity, and Neuromodulation in Pregnancy and Fetal Development (2011)

Thornton, C.A., Jones, R.H., Doekhie, A., Bryant, A.H., Beynon, A.L., Davies, J.S.

DOI: 10.3233/NIB-2011-015